About Livelihood NW

Livelihood NW provides free and low cost professional business support services throughout Oregon and SW Washington. We offer a continuum of support to businesses in all industries, at all stages from pre-startup to scaling and growth. Our services are open to all small businesses throughout Oregon and SW Washington.

Services are available in both English and Spanish and include one-on-one in-depth technical assistance, business advising, workshops, trainings, cohort learning, bookkeeping setup & training, resource navigation and referrals.

livelihood_nw_Mission ©Tais Photography

Our Mission

Our mission is to foster business sustainability and growth for entrepreneurs to build thriving local communities. Livelihood NW provides high-quality business development support services to promote lifelong learning, empowerment, and positive economic impact.

Our services are open to all small businesses throughout Oregon and SW Washington. We believe in a client-centric approach to business support.


Teamwork & Collaboration

We support a thriving business community by collaborating with all stakeholders to best meet the needs of the community, our partners, and funders.


We respect and value diverse life experiences while acknowledging life challenges. We encourage flexible and innovative approaches to our work in order to support the small business community “where they are at” through multi-culturally competent approaches. 


We do business with integrity and passion because we are committed to responsible leadership. We pride ourselves on maintaining a reputation of excellence.



We strive to be Authentic Consultants with a genuine desire to serve clients to enable their long term success, to provide assistance from a place of passion over pride, and to manage expectations by utilizing our strengths while being honest about our own limitations.


We believe in continual LEARNING for ourselves and our community. Learning is our pathway to growth, empowerment, and innovation for all. We are inquisitive learners, caring teachers, and dedicated partners in skill building throughout our community.


While we are unwavering in our mission and our commitment to excellence, we strive to maintain FLEXIBILITY in our thinking. We embrace change and continually adapt and improve our programs, partnerships, and services to meet the needs of our growing community.

Free & Low Cost Services

In collaboration with various community partnerships, and supported by program grants and giving, Livelihood NW offers a variety of free and low cost programs. This allows us to remove or reduce the most significant barrier to receiving support for many entrepreneurs: Money.

Free and low cost services are offered based on sponsorship availability. Livelihood NW programs and services are open to all eligible entrepreneurs in Oregon and SW Washington, and offered on a non-discriminatory basis. 

Impact Reports


How many business owners did we serve in 2023? Who won client awards? What are some of the changes Livelihood NW implemented over the past year to better serve the small business community? Check out our Impact & Storytelling Report to find out!


As we move full speed ahead into 2023, we want to take a moment to celebrate some of the amazing achievements of our small business community, and spotlight some of Livelihood NW’s program highlights from the past year.


Join us as we look back on 2021, celebrate the inspiring entrepreneurs we work with, & share a few program highlights.


The Livelihood NW team put this together in place of our typical annual gathering, which was not able to happen due to COVID-19.

In this issue, we acknowledge the unique challenges of the past year, highlight our programs and impacts, and celebrate the amazing entrepreneurs in our small business community.


Livelihood NW was founded as a 501c3 non-profit in January 2019, after spinning off from Portland State University (PSU), where they operated as the PSU Business Outreach Program providing professional business development support services to entrepreneurs in Portland, OR since 1994. PSU and Livelihood NW maintain a public/private partnership, while Livelihood NW carries forward more than 30 years of experience, partnerships, and a strong reputation to fulfill its mission.